Значение слова ORRERY в Литературной энциклопедии

Что такое ORRERY

ROGER BOYLE, 1ST EARL of (1621-1679).-Statesman and dramatist, third _s._ of the Earl of Cork, was _ed._ at Trinity Coll., Dublin. After having fought on the Royalist side he was, on the death of the King, induced by Cromwell to support him in his Irish wars and otherwise. After the death of the Protector he secured Ireland for Charles II., and at the Restoration was raised to the peerage. He wrote a romance in 6 vols., entitled _Parthenissa_, some plays, and a treatise on the _Art of War_. He has the distinction of being the first to introduce rhymed tragedies.

Литературная энциклопедия.