Значение слова CARY в Литературной энциклопедии

Что такое CARY

1) ALICE (1820-1871), and PHOEBE (1824-1871).-Were the _dau._ of a farmer near Cincinnati. The former wrote _Clovernook Papers_ and _Clovernook Children_, and other tales, and some poems. The latter wrote poems and hymns. Both sisters attained considerable popularity. 2)CARY, HENRY FRANCIS (1772-1844).-Translator, was _b._ at Gibraltar, and _ed._ at Oxf., where he was distinguished for his classical attainments. His great work is his translation of the _Divina Commedia_ of Dante (1805-1814), which is not only faithful to the original, but full of poetic fire, and rendered into such fine English as to be itself literature apart from its merits as a translation. He also translated from the Greek. C., who was a clergyman, received a pension in 1841.

Литературная энциклопедия.