Значение слова BENTLEY в Литературной энциклопедии


RICHARD (1662-1742).-Theologian, scholar, and critic, _b._ in Yorkshire of humble parentage, went at the age of 14 to Camb., afterwards had charge of a school at Spalding, and then becoming tutor to the _s._ of Dr. Stillingfleet, Dean of St. Paul's, afterwards Bishop of Worcester (_q.v.i_), accompanied his pupil to Oxf. After taking his degree at both universities, and entering the Church, he laid the foundation of his reputation as perhaps the greatest scholar England has produced by his letter in Mill's ed. of the _Chronicle of John Malelas_, and his _Dissertation on the Letters of Phalaris_ (1699), which spread his fame through Europe. After receiving various preferments, including the Boyle lectureship and the Keepership of the Royal Library, he was, in 1700, appointed Master of Trinity, and afterwards was, largely owing to his own pugnacity and rapacity, which were almost equal to his learning, involved in a succession of litigations and controversies. These lasted for 20 years, and led to the temporary loss of his academic preferments and honours. In 1717, however, he was appointed Regius Prof. of Divinity. During the contentions referred to he continued his literary activity without abatement, and _pub._ various ed. of the classics, including Horace and Terence. He was much less successful in certain emendations of Milton which he attempted. Having incurred the resentment of Pope he was rewarded by being assigned a niche in _The Dunciad!_ His style is strong and nervous, and sparkles with wit and sarcasm. His classical controversies called forth Swift's _Battle of the Books_. _Life_ by Monk (1833). _Life_ by Sir R. Jebb in _English Men of Letters_ (1882).

Литературная энциклопедия.